REID PALEY TRIO - Tunes, Shows, Mailing List, the Whole Shebang

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In the meantime, get that limited edition


Take What You Want - Live Solo - Le Poisson Rouge, NYC

"Brooklyn's gruff-toned, swivel-hipped troubadour sounds as cuddly as a grizzly bear with a stubbed toe, but Saint Reid's in your corner. That is, if your corner is full of tough broads and bastards, smooth whiskey, and shit-eating grins. Otherwise, do yourself a favor: Don't bother this charming man."    -- Village Voice (Jeanne Fury)

"Three things you can count on in this town: there will always be roaches under your stove, the train will be rerouted at the least opportune moment, and the Reid Paley Trio will entertain you."    -- Lucid Culture

Four-song solo set at the Billy Ruane Memorial Birthday Bash - Go to #17

REID PALEY TRIO - Blues Rules Festival

Reid Paley Trio at the first Blues Rules Festival in Crissier, Switzerland, May 2010 - Photo by Floriane Vicent

REID PALEY TRIO - Approximate Hellhound CD Release Show

Reid Paley Trio Approximate Hellhound CD Release Show at the Cutting Room, NYC

REID PALEY at the Paradiso in Amsterdam 1999

Reid Paley at the Paradiso in Amsterdam - Photo by Sander Lameijer



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All Songs written by Reid Paley unless otherwise noted  ©1997- 2024 Reid Paley/The Monkey's Paw (BMI) All Rights Reserved
All Photos by Butch Belair unless otherwise noted
All Contents ©2024 Reid Paley  -  All Rights Reserved
